Tibetan Liberation Theatre was established in 1990 by a group of writers, artists, and performers, who are all Tibet supporters, for the purpose of bringing the story of Tibet, its history and culture, into the general awareness of the public. During 1990-91, The International Year of Tibet, TLT held 10 free Tibetan performance festivals in parks and outdoor spaces in the New York/New Jersey area. These festivals featured masked puppet plays about Tibet, rock music with Tibetan and Buddhist themes by the
Dharma Bums, and various guest performances by artists who offered their work to support Tibet. Each event also featured an outreach table, where those interested in learning more could speak with someone knowledgeable about the situation, take home free literature to read, and find out how to get in touch with the many Tibet support groups in the area. All of this was done in order to reach the grass-roots public and to make Tibet a part of their lives.

Over the past ten years, we have continued to participate in general community events, such as festivals in Yonkers, Jersey City, Woodstock, and the New York Botanical Garden, and in Tibetan events throughout the U.S. Since 1995, we have been sponsoring indoor art and performance festivals, and performing “live-actor” plays at Tibetan rallies and events in New York City. We also have become a resource for other Tibet support groups, sharing our equipment, experience and efforts as needed. We continue to work at humanizing the Tibetan cause, and at establishing an interest and concern for Tibet and its people, by offering the public an enjoyable experience which they will remember, as we hope they will remember Tibet.

The Future
We plan to expand our activities this year, with more frequent festivals and more participation in community events (street fairs, performance festivals), and with our new under-construction website, www.tibetanliberation.org. With the situation in Tibet at a crossroads, we believe that this is a crucial time, and that it is more important than ever to keep the issue of Tibet in the forefront of people’s consciousness. Highly accessible events such as the ones we sponsor bring Tibet into people’s everyday lives in a positive way, and we will continue to work for Tibet with our festivals, puppets, plays, masks and music.